Always believe that you can do whatever you want | همیشه باور داشته باشید که هر کاری که بخواهید میتوانید انجام دهید

داستانهای کودکانه انگلیسی

فیلم و داستان کوتاه انگلیسی magic fish برای کودکان و افراد مبتدی

 داستان کوتاه انگلیسی  magic fish story با متن انگلیسی


داستان کوتاه انگلیسی ماهی جادویی  (magic fish)یک داستان جذاب و دوس داشتنی درباره یک ماهی جادویی است که به زبان انگلیسی میباشد.




the magic fish story 



the magic fish every day, robert’s grandfather went fishing one, day robert asked to go too well

i want to catch the magic fish the first, person to eat it, will become the cleverest person in the world

can you help me yes said robert and they went fishing first they caught a yellow fish with purple spots

wow is that the magic fish ask robert no said his grandfather then they caught a blue fish

with the red stripes is that the magic fish asked robert no said his grandfather

suddenly they caught a big beautiful silverfish with pink and green diamonds robert’s grandfather jumped for joy

it was the magic fish they started to cook the fish and his grandfather went to get some more wood he asked robert

to watch the fish but not to eat any of it robert watched the fish very carefully he saw a tiny bubbleon its tail and touched

it with his finger pop the bubble burst the fish was very hot and burnt his finger

he put his finger in his mouth when his grandfather came back

he saw that something was different did you touch the fish asked his grandfather

yes i i’m sorry said robert his grandfather sighed a happy sigh and gave robert a big hug the magic fish chose you



5/5 - (2 امتیاز)


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