Always believe that you can do whatever you want | همیشه باور داشته باشید که هر کاری که بخواهید میتوانید انجام دهید

فیلم انگلیسی

بخش اول فیلم کوتاه مصاحبه با ونسا با زیرنویس انگلیسی سطح پیشرفته

فیلم کوتاه مصاحبه با ونسا بخش اول با زیرنویس و متن انگلیسی




متن انگلیسی و کامل مصاحبه با ونسا (Q&A WITH VANESSA)


let’s start with the basics and then we’re going to dive into

some more specifics especially around

your book cues but one thing

we know a lot of people say of leadership

they’re going to say that leadership is

influence and one of the things I love

about what you do Vanessa is you really

help us all grow in our influence one

interaction at a time when is it that

you first discovered in your own life

that you actually had the ability to influence other people

I think when I think about influence and this is especially important in my life I didn’t

realize that our influence comes from just being present in other words I

didn’t realize how contagious we are our Charisma our bad moods our good news

good moods and pretty early early on

I realized there was this effect that if you walked into a room and there was one

person in a bad mood it infected everyone and I remember

I think this was in college I went to Emory University

Atlanta Georgia for any of my Southern friends and I remember this distinctly

I was in a study group

I walked into the room I was in a really

nice mood right

it was a lovely day and there was one person in the room who was

just down they were just having a bad day and

I remember the entire room got brought down even I was like gosh yeah

I am stressed I am burnt out as he started talking about how burnt out he was and I

had this aha moment of if one person in a bad mood could infect a room could one

person in a really good mood infect a room that was the first time I ever remember

having that idea that maybe we could walk into room and infect good if we

wanted to and that was I think the seed of me diving into a lot of the research

on how contagious our emotions are and one of the first studies I found after

that because I had access to all these academic databases at Emory was a study

that was done by Richard Wiseman and he found that highly charismatic people are

the most contagious so yes people in bad moods are contagious but more

importantly if you rank high on the Charisma scale

you are more infectious you’re infectious on phone calls video calls

even listening to this podcast I could infect you with a good mood or a bad

mood depending on where I’m at and so I thought that was so powerful that

actually working on your charisma could make you more influential

5/5 - (1 امتیاز)


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