Always believe that you can do whatever you want | همیشه باور داشته باشید که هر کاری که بخواهید میتوانید انجام دهید

فیلم انگلیسی

فیلم کوتاه با زیرنویس انگلیسی مصاحبه بخش دوم برای سطح پیشرفته

فیلم کوتاه با زیرنویس انگلیسی مصاحبه با جان بخش دوم



متن کامل انگلیسی بخش دوم مصاحبه با مکث وِل

uh there was i don’t know what the title

was but you talked about that leaders

are like eagles do you remember oh yes

i do remember it very well in fact with that cassette

club you’re talking about i did that cassette club for

uh 25 years so every month so you just

take 12 times 25 and you know how many

uh leadership teachings i did but yes i

it was called searching for eagles and and what does an eagle look like and

and uh you know how do you identify them so

you don’t end up with you know with a buzzard or something else well

we probably had three or four staff members at the time and

we sat around a little table i can still visualize it and listen to that and that

helped us to identify the right leaders of course and

it was fantastic teaching and so that was when i first started following you

and have followed you ever since and then on a funny note

you um you were and are a hero to me and so i’ve always looked up to you and

admired you and and learned from you and uh years later i received a

uh a phone call from a friend that we both know his name is pastor gerald

it was his number and i picked it up and there was a voice

on the other side that said hi this is john maxwell and i thought

i thought this is gerald playing a trick on me so i just hung up the phone

that’s right call you rang again 20 seconds later

and it was you on the other side with him yeah and uh so

the first time we talked actually hung up on you

yeah i know i remember that well and what was interesting gerald

he was telling me about what you’re what

you were doing and how you’re doing church differently


i said wow i said i want to know this guy i mean literally it was out of

that conversation and he said well i have his number i said

then call him and that’s how we kind of got started well

5/5 - (1 امتیاز)


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