فیلم کوتاه نقد و بررسی فیلم سینماییGatsby با زیرنویس

پشت صحنه کوتاه از فیلم gatsby محصول سال 2013
در ین فیلم کوتاه به نقد و بررسی فیلم سینمایی سال 2013 به نام Gatsby یک فیلم جذاب و دیدنی که هر کدام از شخصیت های این فیلم سینمایی در این ویدیو کوتاه درباره مضمون فیلم صحبت میکنند.
زیرنویس انگلیسی ویدیو کوتاه پشت صحنه و نقد و بررسی فیلم سینمایی the Gatsby
Zelda’s made entirely your own imagination
no we’re there all along the idea did
you see the young man that came from humble
beginnings that sort of recreated himself according to his own imagination
for the love of a woman named Daisy who belonged to a different glass structure than him
he was a film about a person who had come from nothing and who had created
himself but actually it turns out that
he has a cause and it’s all for issues of the heart major Jay Gatsby for valor
extraordinary that’s right here’s this
guy kind of crazy car and mad new money and and kook and and strange and putting
on these far-out decadent ridiculous
parties part supercool and totally a joke you must know Gatsby Gatsby
I’m certainly glad to see you again she wants to be protected and safe and
it live a certain way but the same time she wants epic romance please you tells me
that you’re over in West heck throwing your lot in with those social-climbing
primitive new-money types Gatsby’s the guy you want to get the girl and you
want Daisy to be happy and Tom really is there to stand in the way of that and to
really show you a really kind of clear view of what the world really is like he
bought that house to be near her she threw all those parties hoping she’d
wander in one night Nick Carraway realizes just how morally bankrupt Daisy
Tom these East Eggers are and how for all Gatsby’s fault
he had a cause he had a truth gotten all these things for her now she just he
just wants to run away Gatsby will not let anyone rewrite the script he has
written for his life it’s a wonderful romance but it’s a tragic romance can’t
repeat the past can’t repeat the past no why of course you can gaming in again
again again it’s the way that he could both have the beauty of Gatsby but also
the complicated in her life he’s just the most committed actor in terms of
looking after everyone else on set and
making sure that you’re giving the best
thing is Gatsby is an incredible character play because I think everyone
has their own interpretation of who Gatsby is and what his motivations are
and a lot of what makes Jay Gatsby
interesting is what is left unsaid in
the novel and what is left unsaid about you gets yes go to town and tell that she never
loved him hope you with me on this menu start to get up from there like oh
that’s I don’t know if I’m gonna be here for that was great working with leo he’s one of
my longtime friends and so he also happens to be a great actor and I really
appreciate working with him and just getting in the scenes and playing
opposite him there was something about the friendship of Toby and Leonardo and
the partnership of them in character as actors and his friends that made a special possibility
she was able to encapsulate all those things that was Daisy Buckhannon she was
able to portray all that sophistication and each one of the lines that she said
Joan Boyce basted me to be cancer just as soon as I heard words come out of her
mouth as Daisy I just felt that kind of warmth that her voice is supposed to
elicit you know she drew me in just like Daisy isn’t meant to draw you in hey
where are we going I want you to meet my girl Oh God the character that Joel
created for Tom Buchanan was as I’d imagined him you know he’s playing him
in a very kind of sexual animalistic way
he takes what he wants Tom and he’s quite aggressive and he’s brought that
whole you know the Polo side of Tom out which really helps Myrtle because then I
can respond to that and I don’t have to
kind of reach in and pull that out of him I want to ask mr. Gatsby
one more question please please go on mr. B Kevin go on I kind of around are
you trying to cause in my house anyhow
he isn’t causing a row you’re causing a row these actors who are in the absolute
prime of their powers in an 11-page acting scene in one room the plaza going
at each other bars put cameras outside all of the windows and so it was just us
five actors in the set and it was closed off we couldn’t see any one crew or
lighting or anything you just shot into the room suddenly it really did feel
that really your wife doesn’t love you
she never loved you you see she loves me you feel quite confronted when the
actors are having an acted argument because you’re like a fly on the wall it’s like you’re the other person
sitting at the other end of the camera
the heat in you and how close these
people were in the room and the issue
that needed to be brought up and Jay was trying to be a gentleman about the
situation but the fire that was circled brewing beneath him such a visionary so
singular in his vision really knows how to use that technology
to bring you closer to suck you into this world I love working advise I love
the pace of it the raconteur he’s so imaginative and creative he’s a
brilliantly intelligent and he’s such a specific director that every single note
I felt was so accurate right on I just learned so much from him